George Carlin (12 Mei 1937 – 22 Juni 2008) adalah seorang stand up comedian yang dikenal kerap melancarkan kritikan atas kondisi sosial, politik, dan budaya Amerika Serikat pada masanya. Tak jarang ia mengangkat tema-tema yang hingga saat ini masih dianggap tabu bahkan oleh publik Amerika Serikat di masa kini.
Beliau mungkin bisa dijadikan salah satu contoh dan bukti bahwa stand up pada istilah stand up comedian bukan sekadar menyampaikan komedi dengan cara berdiri (stand up) tetapi juga menyampaikan dan mempertahankan pendapat (stand up) di depan orang lain tanpa harus memaksakannya.
Jadi materinya tidak sekadar berkisar di tema-tema mengolok-olok kekurangan diri sendiri, menceritakan kelebihan diri sendiri, cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan, atau jomblo.
Berikut ini contoh dari salah satu show beliau beberapa tahun lalu, saat beliau masih sugeng:
“Now, there’s one thing you might have noticed I don’t complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from?
They don’t fall out of the sky. They don’t pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens.
This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It’s what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re going to get selfish, ignorant leaders.
Term limits ain’t going to do any good; you’re just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it’s not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here… like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There’s a nice campaign slogan for somebody: “The Public Sucks. F*ck Hope.”
Because if it’s really just the fault these politicians then where are all the other bright people of conscience? Where all the bright honest intelligent Americans ready to step in and save the nation and lead the way?
We don’t have people like that this country everybody’s at the mall scratching his ass, picking his nose, taking his credit card out of his fanny pack and buying a pair of shoes with lights in them.”
Rasanya kok tidak asing dengan kondisi seperti itu ya?
Berikut cuplikan show George Carlin saat membawa materi tersebut di atas tadi. Semoga enggak hilang ya karena ini sumbernya keliatannya dari pihak ketiga sih.
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